Self Care: Do my Self-Care practices actually work?

What is Self-Care?
Self-care refers to the conscious effort to maintain and improve one's physical, emotional, and mental health. It's about setting aside time for activities that help you recharge , find peace and progress in a demanding world. Popular self care practices that are often talked about can include meditation, exercise, journaling, or simply resting. The next question we should be asking ourselves is: What is considered self care for me? Self Care is more than doing the cliche things that will make you “feel better”. It’s about assessing your needs and doing things that are intentional to your well-being. If that’s journaling, working out or planning a date to the spa then that’s great! However, there are some instances where we need to dive a little deeper.
What if you discover you have been feeling down about your circumstances and are feeling hopeless? Will journaling about that help? Maybe…..but you might get more relief if you choose to watch or read an inspiring message about finding hope. Maybe, you're an exhausted parent and you just can’t find the time to yourself outside of the family. Will a trip to the spa help solve the exhaustion? Sure! But I wonder how much longer a session with a therapist teaching you how to create healthy boundaries for self would give you relief? You see we have “self -care “ practices that we commonly use when we are feeling down…but how many of them actually work? Does your self care practice lead you to a version of yourself that you want to be? Or does it temporarily relieve your discomfort? The goal should be choosing a self care practice that will actually benefit your wellness and strengthen your well-being.
Taking care of yourself doesn’t require elaborate plans. The key is to make it a daily practice and include plans that truly benefit your desires long and short term. For example , for daily self care you can start small by setting aside 15-30 minutes each day for activities that help you relax and recharge. Maybe for issues that need more attention or “care” self care will look like booking a class, filing a restraining order or applying for new jobs. The point is that you are taking time to honor your present and future self with decisions that will get you those results.
Practical Self-Care Tips for Mental Well-being
One of the most practical tips I can give anyone to implement self care in their life is to pay attention to SELF! How are you feeling? What are your triggers? What are some things that make you feel uncomfortable or not your best? How do you show up at your job, at home, and in your relationships? Your life is the tale-tell sign of what you really need to do to care for yourself. The more time you spend getting answers to those questions above the more likely you will choose a self care activity that will actually help. Paying attention to our own circumstances, feelings and thoughts is one of the most authentic ways we can tend to our needs.
Another practical self care tip to assist with our well-being is giving yourself the basic necessities: Sleep and food. Our bodies are supposed to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and eat 3 well- balanced meals a day drinking at least half of our body weight of water. Are you giving your body the proper treatment to feel its best? If you aren’t then it’s safe to say that you are starting your day in a deficit which will make it harder to prioritize your self care or uphold boundaries that you have set in place for yourself. If your body feels better it makes it easier to choose activities that will keep you feeling good.
The last practical tip I can give to assist with your self care is being consistent. Practices like mindfulness meditation, physical exercise, journaling,affirmations therapy and social time are all powerful tools for self-care. However if they are not implemented consistently they can show little to no benefit. Commit to a self care practice and give time for you to see the results manifest in your life. You may shock yourself once you see the reward of your consistency.
Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining mental health, growth and well-being. By prioritizing activities that nurture your mind and body, you create a sustainable lifestyle that promotes happiness, emotional stability, and resilience. Remember, self-care is a personal journey, so assess your needs and explore what works best for you.